Monday, 15 April 2013

Guardian News Advert

Guardian News Advert

Media Forms: What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian?
They update the stories very quickly and they tell the stories accurately, which shows they are a good newspapers. Also they distribute the news in many different forms for example tablets, pads and phones. It is a quick way to read the news and be updated with current affairs. Also the audience can be updated while they’re on the move and easy to access.
Also the newspaper is updated each bit of the story and they update the public everything that is happening and any changes which are currently happening. The Guardian is with the story every step of the way.

Representation: How is the news represented in the ad?

They are represented as very reliable and consistent with their information, they follow the story every step of the way. Also it is represented as modern because of people using social networking sites to interact about the newspaper articles.
The guardian newspaper also makes people have opinions on the story and tweet their views, the audience can tweet the article as well so other people can also see. Also people can have views and they can be changed by the newspaper giving them information. They can also create a revolt within the people because they manipulate the public’s information.

Media Institution: What issues of new technology does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of The Guardian?

The news paper is represented as how new technology has shown people views and opinion, as more people can use their computer and their smart phone to access newspaper articles and keep up to date with the current affairs. This is effective in showing that technology has become more modern and advanced over the years. With doing this it creates a viral spends to everyone around and it very fast for people to get this information and views from people. The issues Is that technology is now up to date and modern as many people have the internet on their phones, so it more advance and popular for many people. People can also use social networking sites to interact about the articles the guardian posts.

Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does the Guardian brand appeal to?

It appeals to intelligent and educated people because they would go out their way to read the news. Also they want to be updated with all the news, because it could affect their life. I would also say people which are up to date with technology and social networking. Because the audience uses tablets and social networking sites to read and interact about the articles the guardian posts.

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