Sunday, 9 December 2012

ill manors film research

Ill manors question
  1. Research all the Institutions involved in the production of Ill Manors. List them with a summary of what their contribution to the film was.
Film London Microwave
BBC films
Film London’s micro-budget feature films
  1. How much Ill Manors cost to produce (its budget)
Ill manors budget was £100,000 but they had made a profit of £453,570 from box office.
  1. How was Ill Manors funded?
  2. Creative Skillset
What is the target audience for Ill Manors?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->I think the target audience is for 16+ because they want the older generation to understand the struggle young people go through. And also for young people to see an insight to how people their age live.
  1. Who is the main distributor of Ill Manors?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->The main distributor is Revolver Entertainment.
  1. How was Ill Manors promoted?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->It was promoted on billboards and magazine website on the 8th of may 2012. The DVD has content which can’t be seen in cinema and this is a plan so customers purchase the DVD.
  1. Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·        <!--[endif]-->Safe house is the blockbuster film i chose to compare ill manors with. Safe house is a successful Hollywood movie and it had a budget of $85 million and made $207,884,401 from box office.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->A lot of action happens in both for example violence.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->There are also enigma codes to make the audience wonder.
>Safe house has a bigger budget therefore they have better equipment and well known actors.
Ill manors are also more realistic and the scenes could happen in everyday life.
         8. How does the trailer for Ill Manors hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer? Identify 3 ways/techniques?
            The text- the release date, funders, institutions information, directors/actors names, ratings and quotes. the narrative is using a vocice over and explains what is happening at that point. The key information.
           9. How does the trailer for Ill Manors balance plot and spectacle?
      Once the audience, watch the movie the learn that the trailer is very balanced with the plot as the movie is everything the expected from the trailer. the trailer explores the differences and similarties betweeen the working class and the the upper class.

      10.Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18 certificate). Research film certification and outline what is deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
15 certificates: Strong violence- could be a lot and sometimes there is stronger language but not a lot, strong language, sexual activity is shown. They show graphic scenes but not too bad for young. Misuse of drugs such as solvents is unlikely to be accepted in a 15.
18 certificate: Very strong violence, very strong language, strong portrayals of sexual activity, strong blood and gore scenes, real sex- very strong, crude and explicit sex references are permitted.  And anything can be shown to this age group because they considered adults

    1 comment:

    1. 5) The main distributors for Ill Manors include Revolver Entertainment and Benelux film distributors. Revolver Entertainment is a marketing-lead, all rights film distribution company. Founded in 1997, the company has operations in both London and Los Angeles. Benelux Film Distributors (BFD) is a joint venture of various independent film distributors and markets a wide range of films in Cinemas in the N Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
