Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Film Media in context

How does the industry promote the film to audiences using
  • Print media?
  • Broadcast media (TV/Radio/DVD)?
  • E-Media?
Print media:

This gives Plan B good promotion because he gives the audience an insight on how hard he has worked on the movie. Also how hard he has worked on his album, also how hard he worked for his fans because he flies out to do a concert the next day. He also explains where he got inspired for his ill manors album and it was the London riots that had happened in the summer. The government just stereotyped that young people were just trouble makers but it was a different story. And they brushed it off but it is a real problem and young people have issues that need to be resolved. He also speaks his opinion on this happening in the future if the government don’t change things around. Also young people should be educated about drugs because it can get out of hand and lives can be ruined. He shows this in ill manors movie. Also the government acts like young people are enemies and they are making this country bad. Also the government alienate young people and this isn't pleasant for the relationship in the country. He also talks about potential collaborations and the people he has turned down jay-z being one. He doesn’t want people to approach people through others he wants to be spoken to directly. He doesn’t want to ride of other people success and he wants to work hard and make it big the hard way. The key issues are that it isn't instant and the audience would enjoy a visual instead of having to read it. Videos are more attractive although print shows all the details and you can go back to each bit of information. They are adapting by making links to social networking sites, also updating the information regularly and making the audience up to date.

Broadcast media:

He gets interview by Jonathon Ross and he promotes his music and movie on the show. This gets his movie more recognition because the Jonathon Ross show is popular. He mentions his new album and talks about his last album and how successful it was. Also he has changed his genre and the new album is rap based. He also mentions a link between his music and the movie and how they are synchronised. The movie is a visual for the music he makes and the message he is trying to send out, he wants the government to do more for young people and he has experienced it. It is effective in promoting his music and movie and this is synergy because they are both linked. It gives him more recognition and also more intelligent and an older audience watch the Jonathon Ross show so this expands the target audience. 

Plan B feels that the kids in his high school are disadvantaged as the kids haven't been raised properly and no one shows them love, they feel like they're not worth anything and then they walk out of the doors of their high school, pick up the newspaper and the media's saying they're not worth anything, the media calls teenagers chavs and scum. The society read the newspaper and they believe kids are bad so when they come across a teenager they already have a preconception about them this then leads to the teenagers believing they're not worth anything. Plan B then speaks about the riots, he believes the government haven't done anything to prevent it, Plan B shows true dislike towards the government. 


Social networking site links are on the ill manors website and this is an opportunity for fans to keep up to date with what’s happening. They can see what Plan B has released and what he has done recently, also it keeps them with what’s happening with ill manors. The film is being promoted on the web and social networking is cheap, easy and quick to spread the message. This is effective also because the target audience use this medium a lot and they would come across it when on the web. And also they can give fans links for videos or exclusive footage and this would make them more popular they could also make competitions for the audience. This will help them with their marketing plan and this expands to the target audience because it is appealing. The audience can also interact with the actors or Plan B and this is what fans want this also gets them more recognition online.

The image above is a print screen of Ill Manors FaceBook page which highlights, that the film is a massive hit across people as the page received 22,971 likes and 240 people are talking about ill manors on facebook. The Facebook page is beneficial because, people can read more about the film, comment on it, watch Plan B Ill Manors song. Also, the DVD for Ill Manors is promoted as well on the Facebook which is effective, for people who want to watch the film or want to watch it again.

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